Daliah Husu

The healing power of written words revealed itself to me in my early thirties. I was heartbroken by someone I loved and the physical and emotional pain was unbearable. During those times of seclusion, as I spent days and nights in bed mourning my loss, my only companions were my iPad, my index finger, and my anguished heart. Words poured out of me and onto the sticky notes app of my pad, words that I later recognized as poetry. With time, and as most humans tend to do, I healed and momentarily forgot about writing. A few years later, and once again finding myself in a much bigger crisis, I began writing my memoir. I thought that by being a transgender woman and by sharing my story, I’d be able to use that same power of written words that I once had experienced to help others heal from their pain. Remarkably, I was right! Today, I write because it is vital for my well-being and because writing has become an insatiable need that I must satisfy for as long as I live.
