Libby Carpenter

I began writing because I craved a creative outlet that allowed me to talk about the world around me. I started a degree in English Literature and Language when my eldest son was at school. Learning about some of the greatest novels inspired me to create my own.

I write as a reader – I want to feel empathy – and that I’m not alone in life; we are connected through our experiences. As a writer, I want to the explore the ‘everyday’ emotions of ordinary people, but at the same time, each of us is unique. Saying that, I want to explore characters who are unlike me – for example, those who commit crime: what motivated them to do it? Can we sympathize with this character? Human beings are complex – there are no completely good or bad people.

Most of all, however, I write to entertain the reader. If a person connects with my book, it will make it all worthwhile.