Warren Adler on Aging

“Should I Start Lying About My Age?” Featured on THE HUFFINGTON POST

“I am seriously thinking about lying about my age. Of course it’s impossible. The Internet has my age engraved in perpetuity.

I notice the difference immediately after my most casual face-to-face social revelation of the “number” — even if it is merely a reminder to my friends and my children. The change in expression is immediate, and the processing in the receiver’s brain, while subliminal, is obvious.

In a flash I have changed my status from respectful and collegial and transformed it suddenly to “over the hill,” someone to be tolerated, politely and diplomatically endured but no longer consequential. The reaction is typical and understandable. It is built into the life cycle, a generational flaw that carries few exceptions. It is hard to reeducate people to the notion that humans are not like socks, where one size fits all.” Continue Reading on THE HUFFINGTON POST 


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