Patti Larsen

At twelve years old, far too young to be enamored of epic fantasy and science fiction adored by my father, I stumbled on a Nancy Drew mystery. It was a YA story that woke the writer in me and, decades later, drove me to ditch my successful business for a shot at becoming a full-time […]

K.M. Weiland

I’ve always made up stories. In fact, my earliest memory is of myself in a tree house at a family reunion, making up a story about bad guys kidnapping everyone and how it was up to me to save them. I started writing my stories down and compiling them into a monthly newsletter when I […]

Katherine Bogle

Writing isn’t just a hobby or a job, it is a way of life. For writers like myself, it’s a way to pour your soul onto pages for others to read. I began writing when I was very young. There were so many characters bouncing around in my head, I just had to get them […]

Nick Thacker

I wasn’t always a ‘writer,’ and honestly never thought I’d be one. I’ve always been a reader, though, and I finally said to myself: “if all of these other writers can do it, so can I!” Turns out, I was wrong — writing was harder than it looked, and I struggled through that first book. […]

Elizabeth Wynter

My return to writing isn’t interesting; it’s how I managed to convince myself for so many years that I wasn’t a writer that keeps me up at night. Like many of you, I started writing the moment I could and, for me, that began with a journal around age six. Short stories followed through school, […]

My Salute to Librarians

From the moment I entered the hushed, sacred precinct of the Brownsville Children’s Library in Brownsville, Brooklyn, back in the mid-1930s, I have been a passionate advocate of the public library. My most profoundly joyous memory is walking through the crowded, noisy, aroma-filled atmosphere of Sutter Avenue, between rows of pushcarts selling anything edible and […]

Caroline Mitchell

My entry into the world of writing was unusual, to say the least. I’ve always had a love of the written word, and regularly attended my local library in my youth. Growing up in rural Ireland, there wasn’t a lot else to do apart from read and daydream. But it wasn’t until I was in […]