Casey Doran Writers of the World Why I Write Warren Adler

Casey Doran

I began to write because writing told me to.

I grew up scrawling short stories in notebooks at cafeterias and coffee shop and beaches, my backpack at my feet and heavy with copies of my literary idols like King and Bukowski and Hughes. Staying up late at night and hammering away drafts on my typewriter, trading sleep for the addicting sound of hammering keystrokes. Carrying copies of my latest story or poem or essay around with me at school, too self-conscious to let anyone read it, but too attached to throw it away. Years later came submissions to agents and publishers and my first book deal. I attended launch parties and celebrated publication days. I looked up reader reviews on Amazon, Goodreads and Barnes and Noble and embraced the surreal experience of seeing my book mentioned with other writers who I’ve always admired. Through it all I’m still that kid staying up late at night, compelled to get in the chair and sit in front of the screen, addicted the hammer of keystrokes, and eager to see where the next stage leads as the journey takes me along for the ride.


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