debra gaynor warren adler writers of the world

Debra Gaynor

Sarah and Ryan in 2002 are our first born grandchildren. They live about an hour and a half from us. When they were little we would make the trip to pick them up knowing what was going to transpire. TEARS! Sarah and Ryan loved our German Shepherd, Buddy, and he loved them. So I began to tell them “Buddy Stories.” Every other weekend we would buckle them into their car seats and I’d ask, “Who wants to hear a Buddy Story?” I would tell the most outrageous tales of Buddy. I always started out with “Once Upon A Time” and I would include Buddy’s best friends, Sarah, Ryan, Shirley Squirrel, Freddy Frog and any other characters I could think of. Soon Sarah and Ryan were laughing at Buddy’s antics. The stories got more exciting with each telling. Sarah and Ryan would ask for a Buddy story as soon as they got in the car and not just one Buddy story, as soon as I finished one they would want another.

Sarah and Ryan came to me a couple of years ago and asked me to put them on paper and have them published. So began the series, “Buddy Stories.” So why do I write? I write for my grandchildren and because something in me says write.