desiree holt writers of the world warren adler

Desiree Holt

The desire to write has been with me since I was old enough to read, but life and obligations got in my way until 2004. It didn’t stop my brain from creating, however, so by the time I sat down at my computers I had a file folder full of ideas. The process of taking an idea and actually creating a story about it excites me. My stories are all character driven, so the best part is fleshing out these two people—the hero and heroine—and seeing where their personalities take them as I work through the story line. I love putting myself in their place and figuring out what I would do if I were each of them, so my plots are very personalized. Where else can I live so many adventures and stories except in the plots of the books that I write! But the best emotional satisfaction comes from the responses of my readers, who write to tell me how much they enjoy each and every tale. Knowing I bring pleasure to them is the most satisfying feeling of all.


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