Joshua Isard Writers of the World Why I Write Warren Adler

Joshua Isard

I began writing because of a compulsion. That’s it. I’m not sure I would have phrased it that way when I was 21 and really started to take my writing seriously, but now I know that’s why I started writing, why I continue writing. I’m compelled by something in my make up to write stories. I don’t know if it’s genetic or if it’s because I spent so much time reading books and watching movies as a kid, but there’s a compulsion inside me to keep doing this, and it’s never let up.

I feel as though most writers are like this. Someone once said that they write because not writing is worse, and that’s another good way to phrase it.

The result of this compulsion, though, is far more meaningful. Each time I write something I’m proud of, I feel as though I’ve fully expressed myself. Everyone experiences the feeling of wanting to say something and not quite being able to do so—a good story solves just that problem, and I rarely feel better than when I’ve written one. That feeling reminds me that the next time I feel compelled to write, I ought to, that there’s a payoff beyond just satisfying that urge to type.

Author of Conquistador of the Useless


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