laura hughes writers of the world warren adler

Laura Hughes

To begin at the beginning is the best way isn’t it? And so, I start by describing myself and why I write; I write because I cannot imagine not writing. I have a million stories swimming around in my head and I have to slow down and try to organize them in order of priority. In other words, I have to decide which story has to be told first and which ones will have to be told at a later time. But, rest assured, I will make time to put them all on paper because there is something inside me that will not let any of them die in obscurity. From the minute I began to write something inside me came alive and for the first time in a long time, I made sense. The words and me, we just fit together like a pair of slippers on tender feet. I love putting my ideas together and sharing them with other people and despite the fact that I have spent more money promoting and marketing my works than I have managed to earn so far, I couldn’t stop now if I tried. If I could spend the rest of my days filling up every spare piece of paper with meaningful words and passing them along to others I would consider myself the most fortunate person, because it’s the closest thing I can imagine to heaven on earth.


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