Paul Hollis Writers of the World Why I Write Warren Adler

Paul Hollis

Storytelling has always been a natural part of my life. Some of the best stories I told as a child were lies but they were good enough to avoid punishment. My parents generally walked away feeling guilty for trying to punish an innocent child. I’d like to think it was because I possessed an uncanny ability to connect with an audience on a human level but truthfully it’s more likely I was able to pass along emotional connections to enable listeners to feel the story.

As some point, a friend suggested I write down my stories and the rest is history, as they say. Writing immediately appealed to the middle child in me. I have a simple desire to please other people, to do something remarkable that will attract praise. But it became much more than that. Writing has opened new worlds of creativity for me and I now have a need to write every day. I’ve found my passion and I intend to be the best at it.

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