Linda Gillard

I started writing to save my life. At the age of 47 I wrote my way out of severe depression following a mental breakdown. I’d had to give up teaching and I couldn’t face my empty future, so I wrote a sort of alternative autobiography which turned out to be my first novel. I never […]

Why I Went Independent As An Author

I went into the e-book and Print on Demand mode in the nineties convinced that the new technology would radically change the future of book publishing, and would allow an author a chance to control his own destiny. By then I had published 27 novels with major traditional publishers; many had been translated and published […]

LITERARY HUB Features “My First Writing Job: Copyboy at the New York Daily News”

I suppose one might call my time working as a copyboy for the New York Daily News a year and a half of living dangerously. I had ventured out into a more diverse world, far from the cloistered ghettos of Brownsville and Crown Heights, Brooklyn where I had grown up. I was the first generation son […]

Laura Hughes

To begin at the beginning is the best way isn’t it? And so, I start by describing myself and why I write; I write because I cannot imagine not writing. I have a million stories swimming around in my head and I have to slow down and try to organize them in order of priority. […]

Helen Barbour

From childhood, school reports noted my ‘voracious’ appetite for reading, but I only discovered my passion for writing in my early thirties. Newly separated from my husband, and seeking to rebuild my social life, I joined an evening class in creative writing at my local college – inspired by my short-lived career as a journalist. […]