Oona Piipponen

Writing is a place I go. The journey starts with a deep breath that pushes out all other places, places of rush and to-do lists and expectations of others. My writing-place then starts to come alive. I fly over the forests of my creation and take in the world. It’s always the same path, the […]

The Endurance of The War of the Roses: A Cautionary Tale of Divorce and its Aftermath

The North American premiere of my play The War of the Roses, based solely on the original novel, has opened at the Delaware Theatre Company in Wilmington to spectacular reviews. It avoids using any of the brilliant changes concocted by the screenwriters and director that made the movie an enduring hit that plays somewhere in […]

Peggy Toney Horton

Nothing excites me as much as writing. When I was a child, I’d lie on my bed and dream up poems relevant to what was going on in my life at the time. Sometimes my writing was happy, and other times, it was incredibly sad. When my dog died, the poetry echoed the despair I felt, […]

Mark David Gerson

I like to joke that my Muse tricked me into being a writer, slyly pushing against my longstanding blocks until, suddenly, I was a writer and there was no turning back. Growing up, you see, I never viewed myself as creative and could never imagine wanting to be a writer. Now, of course, I can’t […]

Daliah Husu

The healing power of written words revealed itself to me in my early thirties. I was heartbroken by someone I loved and the physical and emotional pain was unbearable. During those times of seclusion, as I spent days and nights in bed mourning my loss, my only companions were my iPad, my index finger, and […]

Read More, Live Longer

I’ve always believed that reading was the one essential pastime to assure the most fulfilling quality of life. It now appears, based on new research, that reading actually extends life. The assertion is based upon a study revealed in Social Science and Medicine, as reported in the New York Times. The researchers used data on […]